Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Welcome to St. David's Church

Welcome to the weblog for St. David's Church, Gilmer, Texas.

The purpose of this blog is to provide a simple Web presence for a group of devout Christians of the Anglican tradition who worship and live in and around Gilmer, Texas.

Our regular worship times are posted on the right-hand column. Guests are welcomed and warmly received at any time.

This blog will consist of articles and posts on relevant subjects--What do you believe? What is Anglicanism? What is the Book of Common Prayer? and How do we read, understand, and live the Bible?--and will also contain announcements and pertinent church news.

Feel free to post tasteful comments and to contact the blog host, Fr. Gregory Crosthwait, rector, Trinity Episcopal Parish (St. David's & St. Mark's).

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